Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 7: 2 Nephi 29 - Jacob 4

I know the scriptures are true.

As I am speed reading through the scriptures, I am overwhelmed at how much I am picking up as I read through.  Today, there are so many things I feel.

First.  The scriptures are true.  How do I know that? Besides the obvious studying and praying through the years, the Lord has taken great care for us to have these scriptures.  Men have lost their lives over them just so they can make the record.  The Lord's plan from the very beginning was to help his children by having these scriptures (bound books or plates or scrolls) so we can learn from. 

What a pity ~ there are so many times in my life that I put aside the scriptures for the unimportant things in life.  I am grateful for this challenge I put myself up to.  Although, I am cruising through these pages of the Book of Mormon, I feel like my spirit is being nourished and fed after so a long period of time without.  I can feel the difference between the nourished spirit and the malnourished.  Big difference.

Second.  The prophets urge and encourage us to "feast on the word of Christ."  I feel like this is not just once in awhile.. but every chance we can.  DAILY, more than not.  I can see the wisdom in this.  It gives us a daily reminder of perspective and keeping our eyes single to the glory of God.

Third.  When I believe in Christ, I believe in His words.  This can help me in my every day trials and efforts. 

I start to see the CHILD instead of the whining.

I start to see the MERCY in helping my child struggling with project assignments instead of the undone work piled up.

I start to see the KINDNESS and LOVE instead of the clingy.

I start to see through the eyes of HEAVENLY FATHER instead of the burden of child rearing.

Fourth.  As we are commanded to leave our pride and love of riches behind, I can see the humility I require in order to obey.   I remember all things I have come from my Heavenly Father and if I am told I don't need certain things right now, I will humble myself and trust in that.  One day when the things I want do not compromise the things I need, it will be okay for me to have them. 

But until then, I will humble myself and follow the words of our prophets in the scriptures. In the words of Jacob in chapter 2:

17Think of your abrethren like unto yourselves, and be familiar with all and free with your bsubstance, that cthey may be rich like unto you.

 18But abefore ye seek for briches, seek ye for the ckingdom of God.

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