Tuesday, January 1, 2013

3 Nephi

I cannot believe I forgot that this blog was here! Yay!! I have been at it as far as reading the Book of Mormon! I'm so excited to read it now. I am currently on 3Nephi, chapter 17. I love the story of Jesus being born and his death and now his resurrection and his visit. I just love it!! I have always seen the movies and been taught through pictures in primary but to actually sit and read about it is fascinating. How inspiring and privileged those He visited were. To sit in His presence and feel the markings on His hands and feet. Wow...just takes my breath away. I have now noticed my closeness with my Heavenly Father, stronger now that I have been reading the Book of Mormon. It's funny how I've been reading this morning in 3Nephi. He says in one of the scriptures like, out with the old and in with the new. And what do you know? It's New Year's Day! So, out with the old and in with the new. New year resolutions that never get accomplished. hahaha... but not this one. I will finish reading the Book of Mormon and my testimony will grow stronger and I will finally finish my Personal Progress book and receive my Young Women's Medallion(sorry this should be in my own blog). I love him so much. I'm grateful for my testimony of who He is and His example to me. The church is true.