Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 11: Mosiah 18 - Mosiah 27

Scripture heros. 

These are the heros I want my children to follow.  

There are so many to choose from in these chapters. 

Ammon.  Who obeyed King Mosiah and went looking for the people of Zeniff that left years ago to find the land of Nephi again.  How he wasn't afraid to share his testimony with Limhi and found he did find the people even if they were not in the land.   

or Gideon.  Who fought tirelessly as an army captain for Limhi.  Who used his testimony to strengthen him and his armies in battles against the Lamanites.  His ingenuity and courage  in dealing with King Noah's servants.  His wisdom to help Limhi and his people to escape bondage to the Lamanites. 

or Limhi.  Who believed in the words of Ammon.  Who relied on the spirit he felt to be converted and the faith to act on it in behalf of his people.  The courage he had to be different than his wicked father and try to change things for his kingdom. 

or Alma.  Who felt the spirit when Abinidai spoke and tried to stand up for him.  How he wrote those truths down and taught others and received the priesthood to baptize.  The patience they had as they bore the burdens when put in bondage to the Lamanites and the wicked priests of King Noah. 

or King Mosiah.  Who as a righteous king rejoices as 2 large different bodies of people come into his kingdom.  How he recognizes all people in the Lord are the same no matter where they came from and accepts them as if they were his own.  

A lot of heros for me and for my children to look to for strong examples of faith, courage, hard work and good works.

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